The Chemin Family masters stability and change.
Keeping what works whilst constantly questioning their processes. A counter-intuitive and yet natural paradox for this fast-moving house. Staying ahead is at the forefront of André Chemin Champagne.

Hectares of Pinot Noir
Hectares of Pinot Meunier
Hectare of Chardonnay


The Chemin Family moves step by step of course, but at a great speed, they always see further than the tip of their nose.
Pragmatically, they progress level by level. Each new step taken then launches the following one, already programmed.  We told you that it’s tough to keep up with them!

The House is always looking for improved ways of working, always focusing on sustainable viticulture. In the vines the mindset is similar: get your hands dirty.

When it comes to the vines, it’s always best to do things manually.
With this in mind the House also gets the best results with the work being done by their loyal and fully competent team. This in itself makes this house stand out from the crowd!

The aim is to preserve strict autonomy over their processes. They believe that by practicing the art of anticipation not only does one gain flexibility but it also allows one to have a greater ability to react to situations when they occur. Ready for any eventuality, André Chemin is a House that cannot be faulted.

Ground control

Biodiversity is back.
Today we are finding plenty of insects back in the vines and for the most part it’s a good thing.  They have welcomed the comeback of some traditional processes. Sodding was introduced a couple of decades ago and pesticides have been banned since 2010.

Having an abundant environment leads to a richer soil and encourages the vineyards to flourish. A perpetual cycle which satisfies everyone. Like for the soil cultivation: use a weeder between the vines or plough? Each and every vine plot has its special needs, so it’s up to the winemaker to adapt accordingly. An approach that takes time to learn.


Let’s keep it short, let’s talk terroir.

The Family Chemin has Sacy at its heart. Also, a few other villages bring variety and compliment the identity of the vineyards. Quick dive into the subsoils of the “Petite Montagne de Reims”.